Guess what: we will always find something we can criticise if we look carefully enough. Your eyes already know where to go, and more often than not we focus on what we fear is not looking great.
Let’s try and shake your respect for something that reflects your worst fears. We would like to start this post by briefly analysing some of the reasons why we believe the mirror lies however, these are going to sound all empty words, and the main reason is that you trust your own mirror more than you trust us. So why the mirror lies and we believe it? In listening to women talking about their bodies, we came to the realisation that what they tell about themselves is a very negative review of who they are. But is it true that the mirror lies by showing you less appealing than you think, or a re we the liars and we cheat ourselves? Well, it is a case of contributory negligence.
We have discovered that mirrors are cheaters and more often than not, they are trying to push you down. This is what we have learned by photographing hundreds of women in the past few years.